Transfers of pension savings from the UK

We are the first who you can do it with

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Transfers of pension savings from the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

In NN Tatry - Sympatia, d.d.s., a.s. (hereafter only “NN”) we keep making effort to ensure our clients receive a decent pension and are sufficiently secured in old age. Therefore, we have become the first pension company (not only in Slovakia, but also in the whole V4 region) to allow its clients to transfer pension rights from the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (hereafter only “UK”).

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Did you work in the UK and have your pension savings there? 

  • You can transfer your pension savings to Slovakia and keep evaluating them.
  • Thanks to the transfer, you can merge your savings and receive a single benefit in Slovakia in future. 

NN has been assigned a so-called QROPS number by the HM Revenue and Customs, which designates qualified overseas pension schemes established outside the UK, into which their clients can transfer pension rights acquired in the UK.

NN clients who worked in the UK may bring their pension savings to Slovakia and keep evaluating them in a supplementary pension scheme. This will help them avoid the complex process of submitting a request for their pension benefit in the UK and the transnational receipt of benefits. Thanks to the transfer, clients may merge their pension savings and receive a single pension benefit in Slovakia.


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